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The Desert Releases Intimate & Vulnerable “Soulmates”

The Desert's Release Intimate & Vulnerable Soulmates

Singer-songwriter Gina Leonard and guitarist/producer Tom Fryer first met at the Cambridge Folk Festival in 2014 where Leonard played a set for The People’s Front Room, a collective that Fryer is a part of. Although Fryer would subsequently record and produce a few of Leonard’s tracks, it wasn’t until 2016 that the two combined their talents to form The Desert. ‘I find it difficult working with other people, it has always just been me and my guitar behind closed doors.’ Leonard explains. ‘It was so exciting to find someone I could trust to develop my songs with. We’re pretty different but we work well together.” Their third single as a duo is the intimate Soulmates.

With the tempered thud of a drum, Leonard begins with her poignant voice that is immediate and gripping. Fingerpicked guitars weave through one another with broken lines while Leonard reflects on the concept of soulmates with a sincere quiver. Fusing acoustic elements with hushed electronic tones creates this feeling of isolation. It murmurs throughout this expansive space and sinks to your bloated belly with a pungent bite. This is deafening isolation and frightening vulnerability with bloodied perverse secrets kept in a locket around our throats.

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