Get Lost In The Hypnotic Journey Of Ink Project's "Time" - ohestee
Get Lost In The Hypnotic Journey Of Ink Project's Time

Get Lost In The Hypnotic Journey Of Ink Project’s “Time”

Time waits on no one and we should all make the most of the precious amount we are given. Time spent with love and happiness, with no fear and no hate in our hearts. This is the message behind Time by UK electronic/soul collective, Ink Project.

Ambient pulses of hypnotic dub elements lure you in with no effort. Enter singer, bassist and thereminist Coreysan; he is now your spirit animal with soothing majestic vocals that lead you on this sonic exploration. A swirl of rich drums and cinematic textures surround you on this journey into another dimension. One where love rules all. In an email to Afro Punk, the group explained:

“Time is about how life moves too fast and why you therefore shouldn’t really be scared of or fear anything as a result; especially if it all turns out to be an illusion in the end. You have to make the most of everything while you’re alive and do what makes you happy because time will eventually swallow you up! It’s a kind of universal reality check to be present in the here and now as well as recognizing the importance and strength of love.”

Listen to the existential Time below, and visit label Blind Color’s SoundCloud for the remix EP, featuring an eclectic selection.

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