Haulm Strip Down For Their EP Title Track “Stay For Me” Phil Chill March 6, 2018Stay For Me is the fourth single from Brooklyn-based duo Haulm and the title track from their forthcoming EP. Their...
Grace Gillespie Shares Autumnal Folk Single “Restoration” Phil Folk March 5, 2018Grace Gillespie is a Devon-raised, London-based singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist who spent much of 2017 touring with Pixx. Citing folk, psych, and dream-pop...
Arms Akimbo Drop EP Featuring “None Of My Business” Phil Pop March 2, 2018I last had the Arms Akimbo boys on here with “Parachute“, which is also the lead single from their just-released...
City Dreams & Reality, Cecilia Ebba’s London Is “Just Fantasy” Phil Pop February 27, 2018No stranger to these pages, or my Spotify, including the wildly popular “The Most Beautiful Songs In The World” playlist,...
Tia Gostelow Releases New EP Ft. Rapturous “Giants” Phil Rock February 26, 2018Mackay, Australia-based artist Tia Gostelow has already made quite an impact through Spotify, opening for a handful of well-known bands,...
L8LOOMER & Anne Dereaux Are “Good For That” Love Phil RNB February 26, 2018“Love is such an easy game to play, but I get lost along the way.” Amen to that. On Good...
Get Lost In The Euphoric Dream Of Holy Golden’s “Labyrinth” Phil Songs February 22, 2018The colourful Rhode Island duo Holy Golden graced these gray and solemn pages last August with their surreal little video for...
Celebrate the “Weekend” with IMQ and DJ Shaw-t Seymour Flynn Electronic February 16, 2018I’m absolutely obsessed with this remix of IMQ’s Weekend by DJ Shaw-t. Since this track’s entrancing synths, grinding bass, and...
Saavan Turns Up The Heat On “Like Fire” Seymour Flynn Electronic February 14, 2018Imagine if Sylvan Esso had a baby with Odesza… just let that sink in. Well if you thought that idea...
Moorea Masa Releases Soulful New Love Song “I Can’t Tell” Phil RNB February 13, 2018It’s been a year since Moorea Masa released her last single, “The Garden”, but the Portland native just returned with I...