Ludvig Moon Tease New LP With “Heaving For Oxygen” Phil Rock February 13, 2020Following an ill-fated attempt to launch themselves in Germany and a hefty studio bill that led to the band deciding...
Fly Felix Shares Debut LP Ft. “Tell Me That It’s Hard On You” Phil Rock February 13, 2020Originally a DJ while in Austin, Drew Tyler would later return to his roots and produce what he calls, “Desert...
Track By Track: Meltway Drops Debut EP “Everytime” Phil Track By Track February 12, 2020Meltway is a new outfit comprising of Mathias Hammerstrøm and friends who’ve combined their love for classic shoegaze and dream...
Bradley Arthur Maxwell Shares Enthralling “Alone” Phil Videos February 11, 2020Ask someone what it is that makes them feel alone and you’ll probably get various responses. Maybe it’s the crowd...
Camera Thief Share New LP Single “Modern Fiction” Phil Rock February 10, 2020We kick off the week with Philadelphia-based indie rock band Camera Thief and new album single Modern Fiction. Off their...
Kyle Krone Releases The Lush “Alone In Paradise” Phil Pop February 9, 2020Were I a brave man, I’d escape these dead streets and the monotonous, pointless time spent making money for some...
Track By Track: yllwblly – Land Lover Phil Track By Track February 8, 2020Welcome to a new series I’m starting called Track By Track where artists will discuss their influences, process, behind the...
Summer of George Share Debut EP “Cheerleader Blues” Phil Rock February 7, 2020If you know me, you know I’m a huge Seinfeld fan. I even have a copy of Seinfeldia* sitting on...
Sea Offs Announce New EP & Release Dramatic “Will (You)” Phil Rock February 6, 2020Sea Offs is the Pittsburgh/Brooklyn-based duo comprised of Olivia Price and Rashmit Arora. The duo originally met in college and...
Premiere: Bones Garage Talk “I’ve Loved” And New LP Phil Premieres February 5, 2020Tel Aviv-based outfit Bones Garage fuses post-punk aesthetics with a touch of surf rock and shoegaze that sometimes threatens to...